Phew I am finally back !
I treated myself to a nice new pink case, so thought I might as well install a new hard drive, motherboard, processor, more ram etc. Basically a new pc lol .. I also added vista which I am still trying to get to grips with.
After huffing and puffing I managed to get psp reinstalled too.
Then .. I found i had managed to pick up a virus... So it was quicker and easier to reinstall vista again lol.
3 days later I am now back up and running.
So to celebrate I am making a freebie kit.
Natures beauty.
I have got the papers done,
And later today or tomorrow I will be adding the elements.
( I have to pop to Brighton in a bit to drop my daughter off at my sisters for the week.
Yup its the School summer holidays.
Day 3 and I'm already hitting 85% stressed !
Anyways enough rabbiting from me ..
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